If you are unhappy with the size, width, shape, or style of your nose, or are tired of dealing with medical or structural issues that compromise your breathing ability and overall health and comfort, it’s time to do something about it. A nose job, also known as rhinoplasty, just might be the solution you’ve been looking for. Continue reading this rhinoplasty guide to learn more about this popular procedure and how you can get started.
What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is a highly effective surgical procedure that enhances the shape and appearance of the nose for cosmetic purposes. This type of cosmetic surgery is also known as a nose job and is one of the most sought-after cosmetic enhancement surgeries across the country. Dr. Torkian performs this highly precise procedure to complement every aspect of the patient’s face to provide their desired results. Rhinoplasty options include:
- Revision
- Functional
- Alarplasty
- Female
- Male
- Primary
- Ethnic
- Nonsurgical
Torkian Plastic Surgery also offers nonsurgical nose job and rhinoplasty procedures for individuals who are not quite yet ready to commit to surgery but are interested in having some minor cosmetic nose revisions to complement their overall appearance.
How Does Rhinoplasty Work?
Dr. Torkian makes several small incisions to the inside and outside of the patient’s nose. He then surgically revises the bone and cartilage to give the nose the desired shape to improve its function and appearance and balance the unique features of the patient’s face.
Is Rhinoplasty Worth It?
A nose job is a highly effective and extremely satisfying procedure for anyone who is not happy with the shape, size, or cosmetic appearance of their nose. There are many reasons why people choose to have a nose job, such as poorly healed injuries, breathing issues, and other structural abnormalities. Rhinoplasty eliminates those imperfections and insecurities to give patients a more aesthetically pleasing appearance and boost in confidence.
Is Rhinoplasty Safe?
Rhinoplasty is a safe procedure. Just like any type of medically necessary or elective treatment, there are some risks and complications that are specific to each patient and the type of nose job surgery provided. Dr. Torkian discusses the unique risks and complications and treatment recommendations with each patient prior to scheduling their procedures.
Does Rhinoplasty Hurt?
Patients receive general anesthesia to numb pain and uncomfortable sensations during their procedure. Some patients may also receive a mild sedative to help soothe anxiety to make the experience more pleasant. The anesthesia does not wear off until shortly after the procedure is complete. Patients do not experience pain during surgery. To minimize breakthrough pain or discomfort afterwards, patients may receive prescriptions medications to use during recovery.
How Long Does Rhinoplasty Take?
The average time it takes to complete a rhinoplasty procedure is one to three hours. Each patient’s procedure is unique and dependent on their goals and treatment recommendations and may take more or less time to perform.
What to Expect 3 Weeks After Rhinoplasty?
Recovery time varies from patient to patient. However, by three weeks after rhinoplasty, patients notice a significant improvement in their appearance. Their noses are more defined and aesthetically pleasing. Most traces of swelling, discoloration, bruising and other surgical trauma are gone. Patients can resume many of their regular fitness and daily activities with little to no restrictions.
How Long Does It Take to Recover From Rhinoplasty?
Pain and discomfort usually peak within the first week after surgery before gradually resolving. Patients may continue to experience some mild swelling, discoloration, and nasal stuffiness for up to three months. Though the average time it takes to completely recover from rhinoplasty is one year, many patients recover and notice dramatic improvements in their overall appearance much sooner.
How to Sleep After Rhinoplasty?
After surgery, patients are advised to sleep with their heads slightly elevated above their hearts at a 35-to-45-degree incline to prevent additional pain, trauma, swelling, and complications. Side and stomach sleeping positions should be avoided until medically cleared. Many patients find it easy to maintain proper elevation by sleeping in a recliner or using several pillows for support.
How Long After Rhinoplasty Can I Wear Glasses?
Most rhinoplasty patients should refrain from wearing glasses or placing anything on their noses for four to eight weeks after their procedure to prevent permanent indentations and additionally bruising. Dr. Tokarian may approve some patients to resume wearing them sooner depending on the outcome of their follow-up appointments.
When Can I Wear Glasses After Rhinoplasty?
In most cases, it is safe to resume wearing glasses six months after rhinoplasty. Special considerations may be allowed for some individuals depending on the type of rhinoplasty procedure and their overall healing and personal needs.
What Not to Do After Rhinoplasty?
To prevent complications, each rhinoplasty patient should avoid showers, touching, bumping, or blowing their nose, consuming alcohol or smoking, prolonged exposure to the sun, sexual activities, and wearing makeup and glasses. There may be more or fewer restrictions depending on the patient’s profile, treatment plan, and progress during recovery. Dr. Tokarian will review the recommended timeframe for each restriction prior to discharging the patient home.
Does Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty?
Many insurers do not cover elective rhinoplasty procedures because they are done for cosmetic purposes. However, certain rhinoplasty procedures can improve the function of the nose and may qualify for coverage as a medically necessary procedure. Patients are advised to review their insurance coverage and discuss alternative payment arrangements with their surgeon prior to committing to the procedure.
How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost?
Currently, there is no definitive cost for a nose job or rhinoplasty. The average price for rhinoplasty is largely dependent on a variety of factors, such as the patient’s goals, treatment recommendations, clinic location, whether there is a medical or functional need for the procedure, anesthesia and medications used to perform the procedure, etc. A consultation is necessary for a personal detailed cost analysis for the rhinoplasty procedure.
If you are ready to get the nose you deserve, contact Torkian Plastic Surgery at (424) 999-6934 for a consultation with Dr. Behrooz Torkian, Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Specialist to discuss what you can expect and other rhinoplasty and nose job concerns.